2023.01.29 - TOP Blind Day 3 (P2!)


Day 3

Hi! We got to the Party Formation cast in p2 today, and after 6 pulls of it we believe we’ve roughly figured out the mechanic.

First, identify the Omega-M clone that isn’t at the center of the arena. Either go in or out of the boss’s dynamo/chariot depending on if the clone has a shield or not, and look directly across the center from that clone - the Omega-F clone there will either have the scythes from her feet or no scythe, resulting in her doing either a Hot Wing (large cleaves on either side of her) or a plus shaped AoE originating from her. Next, the Eye does an AoE through the middle along with Optimized Fire 3 (spread AoEs) so we have to identify how to place the playstation tethers so that players don’t have a vuln when the spread AoEs go out. Then, there will be 5 Omega-Ms around the edge of the arena covering either all cards or intercards (haven’t seen the intercard pattern yet so we’re not sure if it exists) + one of the remaining clock spots, resulting in three safe spots 90 degrees apart. We then have to get knocked back into two parties depending on our tethers into either opposite or adjacent safe spots.

I know it’s a wall of text, will clean up and post it in the p2 page once we’ve seen through the mechanic fully.

Here’s our prog point: https://youtu.be/2HpDOq8EsEo
Day 3 VoD: https://youtu.be/FEya8Me45GM