Transition to Phase 3
Debuff Library
- Sniper Cannon Fodder
- High-Powered Sniper Cannon Fodder
- Magic Vuln
Omega will turn into a blob near the center of the arena, and start casting Wave Repeater - a set of 3 cascading circular AoEs. At the same time, the boss will assign two random players with High-Powered Sniper Cannon Fodder , along with four random players with Sniper Cannon Fodder .
TODO: Finish Transformation Summary
Phase 3
Final Omega starts off by casting Hello, World, applying a number debuffs.
Debuff Library
- Overflow Code Smell
- Performance Code Smell
- Synchronization Code Smell
- Underflow Code Smell
- Critical Overflow Bug
- Critical Performance Bug
- Critical Synchronization Bug
- Critical Underflow Bug
- Local Code Smell
- Remote Code Smell
- Local Regression
- Remote Regression
- Latent Defect
- Latent Synchronization Bug
PREVIOUSPhase 2: Omega M/F